
Visions about Travel & Technology

Crowdstrike Outage: Op-ed @ Phocuswire

I have had the honor to be asked by the editorial staff from Phoucswire to write an opinion piece on how a massive IT outage in the travel industry could possibly prevented. In my opinion piece on Phocuswire I gave a quick overview of possible measures...
Fritz Oberhummer

Fast, Faster, SEO-fast!

Page speed has become a major SEO factor in 2012 and also as a primary factor for user experience of your site: if your site does not load fast enough your potential visitors will be

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Winding Tree, the blockchain startup, has its flaws
Fritz Oberhummer

Das Ende der Ranking Abfrage?

Durch “Google Search, plus Your World” werden sich die SERPs wohl komplett verändern, jeder wird Zukünftig seine eigenen Ergebnisse bekommen, je nach Empfehlung von Anderen. Doch wie wirkt sich das auf Ranking Reports aus? Hier

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Viraler Link- und Sharebait (Zeichnung von Glenn Jones)
Fritz Oberhummer

Guideline viraler Share/Tweetbait

Panda hat zugeschlagen und viele müssen sich nun überlegen wie sie Traffic aus anderen Quellen bekommen. Ein sehr probates Mittel ist hier ein Linkbait für Soziale Netzwerke, damit die eigene Seite in der Sichtbarket innerhalb

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Featured in

Publications and Articles

Future Travel

Post on AI Design Thinking - Jun '24

Everything ai in Travel

Re-post of Make-or-Break Article - Apr '24

Business Reporter

How to Make or Break a Travel Business with AI - Apr '24

aiTech Trend

Interview: AI Digital Transformation - Apr '24

TravelTech Essentialist

"Deviceless Travel" - Mar '24

CLH News

AI & Tourism: Transforming Customer Experiences - Feb '24

My education

Foundations of my education have been formed here

Tourism Academy

My degree in "Tourism Management" to kick off my career

San Diego City College

"Human Resources in Business", part of my Management Trainee Program

Macromedia University

Bachelors Degree in "Media Managment" with hons.

FOM University

A Masters in Business Administration, summa cum laude

About me

Hi, I am Fritz Oberhummer! With over 25 years of expertise in the travel and hospitality industry, I bring a transformative vision and profound expertise that drives businesses towards success.

On my blog here you can find my latest thoughts around trends and industry developments

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© 2024 Fritz Oberhummer