
Visions about Travel & Technology

Crowdstrike Outage: Op-ed @ Phocuswire

I have had the honor to be asked by the editorial staff from Phoucswire to write an opinion piece on how a massive IT outage in the travel industry could possibly prevented. In my opinion piece on Phocuswire I gave a quick overview of possible measures...
Artifical Intelligence
Fritz Oberhummer

Three AI/ML areas to focus on next 6 months

As we transition from the initial excitement around AI/ML into a consolidation phase over the next six months, the focus for E-commerce and Travel & Hospitality companies will likely be focusing on optimizing data pipelines,

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Artifical Intelligence
Fritz Oberhummer

Interview at ITB Berlin

I was interviewed at ITB Berlin around the questions of AI in travel and hospitality. How can companies get more with less? Is your data good enough for AI? Can we finally look up

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Travel Technology
Fritz Oberhummer

The future of travel is deviceless

Travel is change – the shift from historic, personalized travel to today’s impersonal, technology-driven experience has propelled the industry to new heights.

But where do we go next? What role will “Digital Transformation” have in

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Business Travel
Fritz Oberhummer

99 Business Traveler Tricks

Up, up, aaaand away! For many of us, the sky isn’t merely a backdrop to our daily lives, but a second home, a pathway to success, and a space where we forge connections that fuel

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How the principle of Health, Wealth and Love governs your job life
Business Philosophy
Fritz Oberhummer

How the principles of “Health, Wealth and Love” govern your joblife

No doubt, we currently live in troubled times; but for the history of mankind this hardly news and the only constant always ever has been “change and challenge”, leaving its mark on all of those who came before us. To countersteer the many effects which such times bring (anxiety, stress, fear, hate) many ancient societies

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Featured in

Publications and Articles

Future Travel

Post on AI Design Thinking - Jun '24

Everything ai in Travel

Re-post of Make-or-Break Article - Apr '24

Business Reporter

How to Make or Break a Travel Business with AI - Apr '24

aiTech Trend

Interview: AI Digital Transformation - Apr '24

TravelTech Essentialist

"Deviceless Travel" - Mar '24

CLH News

AI & Tourism: Transforming Customer Experiences - Feb '24

My education

Foundations of my education have been formed here

Tourism Academy

My degree in "Tourism Management" to kick off my career

San Diego City College

"Human Resources in Business", part of my Management Trainee Program

Macromedia University

Bachelors Degree in "Media Managment" with hons.

FOM University

A Masters in Business Administration, summa cum laude

About me

Hi, I am Fritz Oberhummer! With over 25 years of expertise in the travel and hospitality industry, I bring a transformative vision and profound expertise that drives businesses towards success.

On my blog here you can find my latest thoughts around trends and industry developments

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© 2024 Fritz Oberhummer